Inhabiting Evolution in the Regional System Giurgeu-Ciuc
regional system, Giurgeu-Ciuc depression, social-economic evolution, demographic structure, natural growthAbstract
The configuration and the physical-geographic structure of our country influenced in a considerable manner the social-historic evolution of the population within the Intra-Carpathian regional system Giurgeu-Ciuc. The inhabiting of the Giurgeu-Ciuc depressions was mostly favored due to the orographic barrier aspect of the landscape, the shelterlike conditions within the Eastern-Carpathians for centuries, but mostly by the favorable geographic environment of our times. Considering a series of social, economic and political events, the numerical evolution of the population presents wide variety considering both in time and space, determining differentiated patterns within the studied areas.
DOI: 10.15551/lsgdc.v41i0.14