Territorial mobility of the rural population of the Burnazului Plain after 1990
territorial mobility, residence establishments, residence relocations, migratory balanceAbstract
Territorial mobility represents a factor of increase or decrease of the population size. After the 1989 political regime change, there is a reverse process of returning to the native villages, motivated by the acquisition of ownership of the lands seized by collectivization, their sale or purchase of new lands. The repopulating process of the villages of the Burnaz Plain has continued; between 2002-2005 there was a setback of this process which intensified in the recent years as young retirees have migrated from urban to rural areas. The global economic crisis has put a full mark on the national economic system. While in 1990, the average rate of departures had the highest value in all segments analysed, respectively 54.4‰, in 1992 this phenomenon slowed down, reaching a rate of 11.9‰ in 1995. The lowest average rate of departures, 7.5 ‰, was recorded in 2000 and a further increase to 14.3‰, in 2008. Dynamics of rural population migratory balance of the Burnaz area, between 1990-2008, we find two phases: the period between 1990-1995, when the migratory balance was negative and the period after 1995, when it had positive values, because the rate of arrivals has exceeded that of departures.