Student flows towards uaic –a case study on the Faculty of Geography and geology in 2011


  • Alexandru Rusu “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iași, Romania
  • Oana Stoleriu “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iași, Romania


spatial interaction, local educational performance, territorial auto-correlation


Using a sample of more than 500 candidates to the Faculty of Geography and Geology, we have elaborated three models of spatial interaction that statistically explain how functions the polarization area of this faculty in 2011. Taking into account the fact that the admission competiton is based on the candidates’ results at the baccalaureate exam and their assiduity, mapping these results, in an aggregated form, helps understanding the qualitative dimension of the selction process. From a spatial point of view, we don’t assist to a relevant correlation between these two components, making it hard to decide if some regional cities are more advanced in the local educational performance than others. One major concern derives from the shape of the polarization area of this faculty, reduced to its regional network of cities, almost completely ignoring the rural spaces and submitted to a high concurrence by other academic poles. In this context, the actual discussions concerning the role and the hierarchy of the universities should also pass by the analysis of the spatial interactions between some privileged cities, like Iasi, and their recruitement areas.





