The employed population of Iasi county and its incomes – between precariousness and growth
Iasi County, labour resources underutilization, wages evolution, employed population rateAbstract
This article is written in an attempt to analyze the distribution and dynamics of the employed population in Iasi County, including a qualitative approach of the development of wage levels, taking into account that it is this part of working population that creates financial surplus value and presents the driving force for the economic development of any society. The present study consists of several components. First of all, we are going to analyze the dynamics of the employed population rate (compared to labour resources economic activity rate) and that of the average net nominal wage level (taking into account the real earning index) in the post-1990 period at county level, in order to create a complex picture of the situation of this socio-professional category. The main part of this paper presents the analysis of the territorial distribution of the employed population rate and the realization of a spatial typology according to economic activities structure (at NUTS V level). The third part of this study discusses the issue of supplementary income (including in the form of wages), which is not taken into consideration by the official statistics. Here we refer to the EU-financed projects, according to the activity sectors of the beneficiaries (the engaged financial assistance). This type of the institutional resources has been chosen for the reason that these institutions can provide income growth on short term, as well as the premises of an increase in the competitiveness level of the labour resources and, in a broader sense, of local development.