Pedo-geomorphological relations in the Bohotin catchment


  • Daniel Curea Office for Pedological and Agrochemical Studies, Iasi, Romania
  • Ion Ionita Department of Geography,Faculty of Geography and Geology,“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania


cuesta, structural plateaus, cernisols, luvosol, anthrosols, soil pretability


The Bohotin catchment is related to a right-bank tributary of the Middle Prut and is located in the eastern border of the Central Moldavian Plateau, occupying a surface of 6.107 ha. From the range of sedimentary formations specific to the Moldavian Platform, erosion revealed clayey– sandy Bessarabian (Middle Sarmatian), Chersonian (Upper Sarmatian) and Meotian in age layers, arranged in monocline structure. The subsequent valley of the Bohotin, through its almost cross orientation towards the SSE dipping of geological formations, clearly emphasizes the first-rank structural asymmetry. In this hilly frame, the predominant genetic relief type is represented by the sculptural (fluvio –denudational) one, followed by the structural – lithological and accumulation landforms. In the context of a temperate continental climate and of the zonal vegetation of sylvosteppe and woods, there were formed mainly soils from the Cernisols and Luvisols classes and the impact of anthropic activities is revealed by the appreciable extension of Anthrosoils. On the one hand, this paper treats the connection between the genetic relief types and landforms and the distribution of soil cover. On the other hand, the present-day geomorphological processes, analyzed as restrictive factors of the fertility potential of soils in relation to their physical and chemical properties, are partially responsible for the quality classes and soil pretability.





