Groundwater in the hydrographical basin of the Vaslui river


  • Ionuț Jora “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iași, Romania
  • Gheorghe Romanescu “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iași, Romania


water body, phreatic hydrostructures, deep underground aquifer structures, piezometric level


From the point of view of water reserves, the hydrographical basin of the Vaslui River shows a deficit in groundwater resources, both phreatic and high-depth water. This is due to the thermo-pluviometric regime, geological substrate and other environmental factors. The most important groundwater resources are accumulated in the cracks and empty spaces of the limestone-sandstone complex, as well as in the sands that rest towards watershed surface. In this subunit lenticular groundwaters are regularly found, in the local permeable intercalations, situated at different depths and opened often on the hills. Although the groundwater resources are relatively evenly spead, the hydrographical basin of the Vaslui River is in severe water shortage, especially for the agricultural sector. High-depth aquifer waters are in significant amounts and offer optimal conditions for exploitation.





