Colombian Armed Conflict and Forced Demobilization. Socio-Spatial Study of Internal Conflict


  • Rodolfo Torregrosa University of Columbia


Colombian conflict, paramilitarism, law of justice and peace


The armed conflict and humanitarian crisis are still on top of the domestic agenda in
Columbia. The international community has an increasing presence in Colombia. In terms of nonmilitary
solutions to conflict there are public policies whose effort is to ensure the human rights and to
assist people affected by the deterioration of the conflict.
On the other hand, the previous government had the idea of a post-conflict country with the
thesis that the "end of the end" is a reality, paramilitarism is a thing of the past and the displacement is
minimal and affected persons are adequately addressed. Thus, from the partial demobilization of the
paramilitaries since the end of 2005 (within the process started with the "Law of Justice and Peace"),
the former Colombian government started talking about a post-conflict situation and the military defeat
of the guerrillas. The current government has adopted a similar position to inform the international
community that Colombia currently has green areas and post-conflict or widespread violence in the
country is more likely linked to drug trafficking.
Our hypothesis in this research is that paramilitary demobilization has increasing
inconsistencies and that these groups’ rearmament and territorial expansion is a fact acknowledged by
the authorities. The same applies to the guerrilla groups still operating in most of the country.
In this context, this research makes a socio-spatial analysis of some of the areas called CCAI
(Centers and Comprehensive Care Coordination) to describe the behaviour of the internal armed
conflict, violence and humanitarian crisis partner, to see whether it is about a true post-conflict.





